Thursday, September 8, 2011

Benefits of Soy Bean

Soybean (Glycine max) is native to China and has been cultivated for over 13,000 years. It was first introduced in Japan before becoming popular in other Asian countries. The plant is classified as an oilseed more than one pulse (legume) by the Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). In Indonesia, soybeans processed into tempe and tahu (tofu), Tempe and tahu is a popular food in Indonesia.

Soya beans contain high amounts of proteins, including all essential amino acids (the only vegetarian source of this type). Soybeans are a rich source of calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, B vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids and fiber.

Soy milk is able to reduce cholesterol in the body, helping to reduce heart risks. Healthy eating soy is known to curb the bad cholesterol and triglycerides, which are the root causes of heart disease in humans. It also contains soluble fibers which help fight cholesterol metabolism boost.

Soy consumption is thought to be one of the main reasons for the low rate of breast cancer and prostate cancer in Asian countries. Daidzein and genistein isoflavones found in soy and its derivatives has been shown in epidemiological studies to be protective against breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Current studies show that soy can help some women to relieve menopausal symptoms. In fact, soy is better to prevent than to alleviate hot flashes.

Soy is known to contain adequate amounts of calcium necessary for the body to help keep your bones strong. Women especially need this additional intake of calcium by the use of soy to prevent osteoporosis that can occur in the later stages of their lives.

So, when eating soy now, if you want to be healthier